Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Amazing that my husband admitted to me that he hasnt been the husband he should be, or the one that I need.
I mean.... wow....
just... wow.
He gets it... when I thought he didn't, he actually gets it.
Problem is, our situation has not changed, we are still consumed by our struggles to keep our heads barely above water.
My biggest fear is that all of this is going to take such a huge toll on our marriage, that we may never get back to the place we were. I am afraid that all this stress will put such a wide gap between us that we won't be able to bridge it, I am afraid that this is going to destroy us.... simple as that.
It is not that we don't love each other, we do... more than ever before. but, can love be enough when you are facing losing every single thing you own, not to mention love ? can it ? will it be enough for us ?
I guess only time is going to tell me that....


At 2:52 PM, Blogger Biddie said...

I don't know...Shawn and I have faced some very big hardships, and we are still together. It has been ROUGH, at times, believe me.
We have faced eviction and homelessness, and even worse. We are still together,and so are you and your hubby.
Don't despair, Cynnie :)

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Camie Vog said...

Hi, I found you thru Biddie's site. I also live in Michigan.

I read your Oct. 11 post, and thought, "Wow, we were here this time last year". First and foremost, you should not let this situation become between you and your husband. He is your combat partner, the one he relies on, he's the one you rely on...

My husband used to be an equipment work for 8 months out of the year. I snapped last year, told him things had to change fast! We have a five year old boy and I was pregnant with our second kid. My husband became a long haul truck driver. We no longer fret about money, and were able to buy our first house. I am not saying that this is the perfect situation for the two of you...I'm just mentioning what bailed us out.

I send good wishes your way.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Cynnie01 said...

hi there.. i looked at your blog, and i was born and raised in A2 :) Thank you for all your positive comments, they mean a lot to me, and make me feel less alone. It is hard for friends and family and neighbors, to understand when they have never gone though anything like this before. we are struggling here, and now, I was just told that our unemployment benefits may have run out ( he applied for a extension , but we never heard anything back ). NOW.. we are without ANY income !! It seems to be getting worse instead of better...


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