Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentines Day

I had a wonderful Valentimes Day with my husband. Because of our snowstorm, he got to spend the day at home, although, so did our son.
But we took our son to my Mom's house and went out to dinner. We had awesome conversation about some very personal subjects. I enjoy conversations with my husband, they are always intelligent, humorous, and fun. Well, MOST of them are..... LOL. We had a great dinner, and after went tp pick up the kid, put him in bed EARLY, and we had some alone time. It has been a very long time for that... and I have missed it so much.
My husband and I work well together... we " click" in so many ways. Sometimes I feel that we were destined to be together. Of course, when things turn sour, they get downright nasty... we have THAT ability too. I guess both of us are passionate people, with strong wills and hard heads. We used to clash all the time, but as the years have gone by we seem to have settled into each other, and now only have a few minor flare ups.
I really can not imagine a life without him in it. He is a good man... and a great father. Most of all I think we have a frienship that our marriage is founded on.
I hope we celebrate many more Valentines Days to come.......


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