Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love, and thanks.....

Today is Valentines Day.. the day of love... so, I wanted to tell my husband how much I love him. I want to tell him how lucky I feel to have him, and our son, in my life. He is a wonderful father and a loving husband. He works hard to take care of us... and he always has our best interest at heart.Hes compassionate, and kind, he would do anything for anyone. He is also strong, and stubborn, and opinionated... and he loves to be right, and " win".... but.. I love everything about him, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Yes honey, I said ugly :) In sometimes sit and wonder what my life would be like without him in it, and I can't. We are so meshed together that one without the other is unimaginable to me. We have had a very difficult first ten years, and despite it all... we are still together, and still in love. I know for a fact that not many couples would have survived what we have.My love for my husband is deep, and as real as it gets. I love him to my very soul. So honey, when YOU read THIS... know that you ARE my beshert... now, forever, and always. I love you. You are my best friend, my lover, my soulmate, you are the man I love, the man I married. There is no one else that could even come close to you. I LOVE YOU !!!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!!!!


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